Monday, January 23, 2012

Ski Utah!

We have used our ebay cross-country skis for 2 days in a row! I wouldn't call us skiers, but we felt successful with both of our attempts. We have pictures, but no way to get them to the computer until we return to Vegas. (I forgot the cord!) So for the time being, y'all will just have to take our word for it; WE LOOK GOOD ON SKIS!

While still in Vegas, Russell had researched the closest place for cross-country skiing, Brian Head, UT, less than 100 miles north of St. George. We decided to stay in Parowan, a small town at the foot of the mountain and right off the freeway. We set up at the town's only RV park, unhooked the car and headed up the mountain; as far as the CHAIN UP AREA. We stopped to evaluate before going back to town for chains. Back to the CHAIN UP AREA. We were not the only couple trying to read the directions and get the chains - actually we got cable type, all that was available - connected to tires unused to such treatment.

Success! AND we finished before the snow started, but not by  much. We were going to Brian Head! The going was not easy, however, and we were soon stopped by the police. He let us know that the cables would not get us to the top of the mountain. Russell thanked the man for the advice, and on we went.

We did make it to the Lodge in a driving snow. It is very pretty and I'm sure we'll get back there someday, but not this trip. We were fortunate to make it up the mountain and back and we knew it.  Going back to the RV, we investigated a beautiful BLM picnic area near town. With the snowfall all night, the next morning was perfect for our first try at skiing.

The snow was pristine, only animal tracks marred the surface. A creek running along side the road was the only noise, red rocks protruded through the snow and pines. It was perfect, even though our ski attempts were less than. It was a successful day.

We were concerned that more weather was moving in, and didn't need to spend another night in Parowan, so we packed up and headed north for Provo.

Today's efforts took place at Sundance Resort on their Nordic Track, rather repeated passes on a single 200 yard stretch of that facility. Sundance is east of Provo and really beautiful. This facility is really a track, with manicured paths through the woods and carved tracks that make the process a lot easier. We hope that tomorrow we will get to take lessons there, but snow tonight may make travel on the mountain roads more tedious. Neither of us is anxious to repeat our tire cable experience. I also think our muscles, joints and bones might appreciate a rest.

We'll be here for the week, camped next to Lake Utah on the west side of town. I know that we will enjoy more days of skiing and more.

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