Monday, September 26, 2011

A New Home in Las Vegas

Last night Russell commented that it has taken 2-3 months but we were finally settled. Looking at the calendar revealed that it had just been 6 weeks. Some things just feel like they last longer.
During our long-planned trip from Texas to Chicago in July and August, our Las Vegas condo closed and our stored furniture and boxes were shipped from Waco; all with a lot of help from friends and the internet. We left Indiana Dunes early August 11 and arrived in Vegas 1780 miles and 3 days later. Between the 14th and Labor Day Russell and Fred, handyman extraordinaire, painted, floored and plumbed. In the 3 weeks since Russell and I have been cleaning, sorting and moving in. The RV is in storage nearby ready for our next trip.
We are enjoying our new home! At 1200 square feet, it is small, but 3 times bigger than what we are used to. We love getting reacquainted with our stored stuff; it makes us smile to seeing our paintings and hear the clock chime. We love our view! the mountains west of town display wonderful sunsets, more smiling. We love meeting new neighbors and finding cool spots in Vegas. There is more work to be done, but the has-to-be-done parts are behind us and we are beginning to enjoy our new home.
More later to fill in the gaps about crossing the mid-west and seeing 7 new-to-us states.

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