Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Story of Wind

New Mexico

In an attempt to stay cool a little while longer, we have been hanging out in New Mexico. For the most part, cooler is a relative statement. Yes, we have needed to run the AC, but not much until noon. Here in Ruidoso this morning going outside felt much better in a sweat shirt and long pants. This afternoon is comfortably warm, the sweats are put away until at least tomorrow morning.

About wind. We could have ridden the winds east from Taos to Lake Chochiti to Corrizozo to Ruidoso, only hitting the gas to veer south or uphill. Camping in Corrizozo on a cliff overlooking the lava beds, Malipais to locals, yielded beautiful sunsets. But even the gusty winds could not keep the gnats from taking over a glass of wine. Russell quipped, "We have returned to fly country." The second night there, we watched sunset from the window as the winds were much worse. The same winds prevented us from having a charcoal fire anywhere in the state. The winds pretty well hindered our efforts to have a propane fire as well. We rose to the challenge of finding a wind block that would allow significant time to char a steak or two.

However, winds rock us to sleep-literally-and keep the temperatures down. The winds create music in the pines that is also restful. The winds of time have carved many of the dramatic vistas that New Mexico has to offer as well. They certainly have been at work at Chochiti Lake to create the "tent rocks" and slot canyon of Kasha-Katuwe. We waved to people who climbed to the top and related to the other geezers who turned around just past mid-way.

We spent yesterday afternoon at the horse races of Ruidoso Downs. Many of those horses were riding the wind, and then there were the ones we bet on. No, we did pick a few winners, but it seems we have a knack for picking the 4th horse to cross the line. Watching the horses as they are guided to the paddock and then on the track is a treat. Trying to bet on the best looking horse is a very tough call.

Tomorrow we head in to Texas for the next month. Our route is I-10 from El Paso to just east of San Antonio before veering north to East Texas. We will be staying at the Escapees Park near Livingston. We have been members of this group since 2008 and never visited before. They handle our mail and we talk to someone there most every week. It will be nice to see where we have officially lived for the last 3 years. After that we head back to central Texas for stops in Waco and Dallas.

Tentative plans have us cruising north to Chicago, Niagara Falls, Vermont, DC and then South Carolina, some of the places we had planned to see last summer. However, as with last summer, sometimes events occur to curtail the best laid plans. We can only plan and hope that all of this will really take place and know that if we are suppose to be some place else, then it is fortunate that we have the flexibility to do that.

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